Unterm Radar (S AM)

Much of the work of architecture takes place before and after the actual act of construction, as architects probe the conditions governing the territories in which they are intervening. In a process similar to that of investigative journalism, they collect pieces of evidence, analyse them and synthesise them into a narrative.
The exhibition Under the Radar presents an international overview of significant research projects dealing with this investigative form of architecture: The Handbook of Tyranny by Theo Deutinger, The Murder of Halit Yozgat and further inquiries by Forensic Architecture, Italian Limes by Studio Folder, Smuggling Architecture by Kwong Von Glinow, Swiss Lessons by EPF Lausanne’s Laboratory Basel, Sand and Labour by the Professorship Architecture of Territory at ETH Zurich, Parallel Sprawl by Kunik de Morsier and Meteorological Architecture by Philippe Rahm.
In all cases, the emphasis is on the methods, content and conclusions of these spatial analyses of territory. Certain hidden mechanisms – Who controls which spaces? Who manages them? Who benefits? – can thus be revealed.

Hochparterre: Hochparterre, Andres Herzog, 20.11.2019
espazium: Un­term Ra­dar, Mira Heiser, 20.11.2019
Tracés: Pour une di­men­sion po­li­tique de l’ar­chi­tec­ture, Mathilde de Laage, 4.12.2019
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ): «Die Berliner Mauer war, wie die heutige Mauer an der US-Grenze, vorgefertigt. In ihrem Grundprinzip unterscheiden sie sich wenig», Sabine von Fischer, 19.12.2019
werk, bauen + wohnen: Räumliche Aufklärung, Tibor Joanelly, 24.1.2020
NZZ am Sonntag: Der kontrollierte Raum, Gerhard Mack, 30.1.2020
