Armando Ronca, Modern architecture in South Tyrol, 1935–1970
Amongst South Tyrol’s buildings of the immediate post-war years, the projects of Armando Ronca are of paramount importance. And although the modern architecture of this period was thought as a structural expression of a new beginning, the appreciation of it has been scarce. Yet, the often negative attitude towards the projects of this epoch slowly starts shifting towards an increasing awareness that also in this period notable achievements in terms of urban development and architecture have been made.
For the first time, an exhibition presents the works of Armando Ronca. Through it, the buildings of the Veronese architect should be moved into the focus of local historical research and stimulate a discussion about Meran and Bozen’s cityscapes in the 21st century.

Exhibition period: October 14, 2017 – January 7, 2018
Curators: Andreas Kofler and Magdalene Schmidt
Franz Magazine: „Vermittler der Moderne“, Verena Spechtenhauser, 4.10.2017
Alto Adige: La matita di Ronca nelle nostre città, Paolo Campostrini, 11.10.2017
Casabella: Armando Ronca, 14.10.2017
Sky Arte: Tutta l’architettura di Armando Ronca, in Alto Adige, Paolo Campostrini, 15.10.2017
Corriere della Sera: L’architettura moderna di Ronca, Giancarlo Riccio, 19.10.2017
Dolomiten: Ein Vielbeschäftigter, aber fast Vergessener, Andreas Gottlieb Hempel, 21.10.2017
Hochparterre: Moderne in Südtirol, Ursula Schnitzer, 24.10.2017
ff: Verlottertes Erbe, Georg Mair, 26.10.2017
Rai Alto Adige: La retrospettiva sull’architetto Armando Ronca a Kunst Merano Arte, Passpartu’ cultura, 4.11.2017
Zett: Ehrenrettung für gute Architektur, Edith Moroder, 5.11.2017
Alto Adige: Ronca tra memoria e riscatto, Luigi Scolari, 18.11.2017
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ): Mailand in den Alpen, Roman Hollenstein, 21.11.2017
Kunstzeitung: Italomoderner Formenzauber, Roman Hollenstein, Dezember 2017
ORF Tirol: Mikro-Mailand in Meran und Bozen, Südtirol Heute, 4.12.2017
BauNetzWoche: Südtiroler Modernist, 7.12.2017
Il Venerdì di Repubblica: L’architetto che portò il moderno in Alto Adige, Francesca Frediani, 8.12.2017
Il Giornale: Il nuovo volto di Merano e Bolzano, Carlo Franza, 7.1.2018
Franz Magazine: L’anima moderna di Bolzano pensata dal genio dimenticato di Armando Ronca, Silvia M. C. Senette, 11.11.2024
Kunst Meran, Andreas Kofler, Magdalene Schmidt, Jörg Stabenow (Eds.)
Armando Ronca
Architektur der Moderne in Südtirol / Architettura del Moderno in Alto Adige
With essays by Andreas Kofler, Massimo Martignoni, Giorgio Mezzalira, Magdalene Schmidt, Luigi Scolari and Jörg Stabenow, as well as photos by Werner Feiersinger
Designed by Willi Schmid
472 pages, 341 colored and 122 b/w images
16.5 × 22 cm
978-3-03860-061-9 German / Italian
The exhibition Armando Ronca, Modern architecture in South Tyrol, 1935–1970, is accompanied by a book presenting over 40 buildings of Armando Ronca. Individual projects, such as the Eurotel in Meran, are thoroughly analyzed and documented. In addition, all still preserved buildings are documented by images of the Viennese architecture photographer Werner Feiersinger.
Tags:exhibitions, publications