Dichtelust – Forms of Urban Coexistence in Switzerland (S AM)
In Switzerland, the concept of ‘density’ has noticeably negative connotations. In political debates on the country’s urban and demographic development, the term is often used to provoke fear: images of historic towns overrun with high-rise buildings illustrate an alleged ‘proximity stress’ (Dichtestress) and make balanced discussion impossible. The exhibition ‘Dichtelust – Forms of Urban Coexistence in Switzerland’ shows what density actually means: the thoughtful and compact utilisation of buildable territory. It examines different forms of historical density and contemporary redensification, and demonstrates how density contributes to the quality of life by creating tangible added value for the individual, for society and for the environment.

S AM Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum,
Andreas Kofler (ed.)
Formen des urbanen Zusammenlebens in der Schweiz
November 2018, 240 pages, 187 mainly colour illustrations, softcover, 17 × 24 cm
ISBN 978-3-85616-882-7
Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF): Dichtelust statt Dichtestress, Maya Brändli, 27.11.2018
Basler Zeitung (BaZ): In der Dichte liegt die Lust, Christoph Heim, 28.11.2018
Badische Zeitung (BZ): Lust statt Stress, Michael Baas, 29.11.2018
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ): Im Dickicht des Dichtedschungels, Daniela Meyer, 4.12.2018
Detail: Dichtelust: Wenn Menschen enger zusammenrücken, Jakob Schoof, 19.6.2019
Radio SRF 1: Interview zur 9-Millionen-Schweiz , 25.9.2024

domus N. 1040
Novembre/November 2019
Tags:exhibitions, publications